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Sasikanth Prabhu

Significance of Learning by Doing

Often knowing is given prominence in implementation; but experience demonstrates that doing must be prior to knowing. With the explosion of technological possibilities, it appears that 21st century human beings are smarter than the earlier generations. It is not so. They (even the prehistoric tribes) were equally intelligent like us and have faced day today challenges as we do. The only difference could be that the content of our issues/challenges are different. We boast of knowledge accumulation in various fields.… Read More »Significance of Learning by Doing

Relationship is the ‘result’ and not the cause for business orders

Conventionally it is assumed that relationship with the customers guarantee the flow of business orders. However, the current experience with the customers indicates that relationship with the customers is not the predictor of sales success.    In many of the trainings and business literature it has been highlighted that “build relationship with the customers, sales will happen sooner”.  Based on this advice most enterprises are giving big focus on customer relationships. However, in the present conditions this saying is far… Read More »Relationship is the ‘result’ and not the cause for business orders