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Imitation May Be Flattery, But It’s Not Strategy

Many SMEs mistakenly think strategy is nothing but imitating their successful suppliers. But every SME can have its own strategy based on foundational values. Our On-Demand Services, available on request, help Clients to implement strategy

Why is strategy required for small and medium businesses? The answer is simple. In the long run, having a robust strategy is the ultimate cost-saving and economic component of any business. 

But what’s the reality? Most small businesses simply follow the strategies of bigger or superior enterprises, and yet dream of building a high profit, high revenue business. The truth is that any business which entirely imitates the strategy of its buyer firm is unlikely to have any chance of deciding its own strategy. 

A business magazine once reported that about 70% of small and medium businesses do not have formal processes to develop strategy. Indeed, many such businesses do not even feel the need for strategy.

Strategy Is Invisible, Yet Powerful

The good news is that every business can own its rewarding strategy. A real business strategy is linked to the very meaning of the business’ existence. Once a robust strategy is expressed, it is intuitively understood by all. No justification is required, no proof is demanded, no argument arises. When a real business strategy blooms, activities, people, and resources organize around it. And things happen automatically powered by the will of the participants without any push from outside.

Sign Up for Our On-Demand Services

At Marg Atreya, Strategy Implementation is usually offered to select customers who have completed our eight Strategy Development DNA workshops and want our help in implementing it. But reach out to us anyway. We may have the bandwidth to consult for you. That’s why we call it On-Demand Services. It uses a simple and effective method which can change the fortunes of your business.

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